Sending SMS Messages Via API » |
Receiving SMS Messages Via API » |
Sending SMS Messages with XML Response Via API » |
Message Details Via API » |
New! Check Keyword Availability Via API » |
New! Reserve Keyword Via API » |
New! Remove Keyword Via API » |
Sending SMS Messages Via API |
Sending Text Message API can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | number | 11 digit mobile number to send message, you must include 1 before the 10 digit number | message | your message, not exceeding 148 characters and URL properly encoded | Instructions for the message: - The message must be properly URL encoded (eg the %20 rather than a space).
- Message CAN contain any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and special characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters .
- The following characters count as two characters when used in the message: € f [ ] ^ { | } ~ . View detailed list »
- For security reasons, our servers limit the number of connections to 200 HTTP connections per server per minute.
Send message API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | Message Sent | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Incorrect phone number, make sure the mobile number is 11 digit. You need to enter 1 before the 10 digit phone number | -4 | Invalid message: message exceeds 148 characters or invalid characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters . | -5 | Recipient has opted out from your list | -6 | Global opt-out. The recipient has asked not to receive any messages from our short code | -7 | Credit limit reached | -8
| Your IP address is not allowed | -9 | There are forbidden words to send out, please review our list of Forbidden Words and Phrases. | -100 | Unknown error |
API Text Message Sending Examples:
$ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&number=12345678910&message=test message"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* result of API call*/ ?> |
Receiving SMS Messages Via API |
Our servers allow SMS to be send to your sever using HTTP protocol. After we receive the SMS to our short code via your dedicated keyword, you can access the SMS using the following example:
We will send an HTTP GET request to your server upon receiving an SMS to your keyword following the two parameters below: number | 11 digit phone number message originated from. | message | The body of your message that was texted in by the originating phone number prefaced by your keyw | keyword | Only shown if there is auto-reply message set up for a particular keyword, and if there is a reply to the auto-reply generated by the recipient. It is to be used if you need to know which keyword’s auto-reply message the recipient replied to.
- User text’s in with a keyword
- Receives an auto-reply asking for more info or an answer
- Recipient replies without starting the message with your keyword
- You get the message with parameter “keyword” and can process it for the correct keyword which initiated the communication string.
| carrier | Cell phone (mobile) carrier of the person sending the text message | carrier_code | Carrier Code. For more information about carriers' codes click here >> | Example Request Sent: |
Sending SMS Messages with XML Response Via API |
Sending Text Message API with XML Response can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | number | 11 digit mobile number to send message, you must include 1 before the 10 digit number | message | your message, not exceeding 148 characters and URL properly encoded | Instructions for the message: - The message must be properly URL encoded (eg the %20 rather than a space).
- Message CAN contain any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and special characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters .
- The following characters count as two characters when used in the message: € f [ ] ^ { | } ~ . View detailed list »
- For security reasons, our servers limit the number of connections to 200 HTTP connections per server per minute.
Send message API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | Message Sent | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Incorrect phone number, make sure the mobile number is 11 digit. You need to enter 1 before the 10 digit phone number | -4 | Invalid message: message exceeds 148 characters or invalid characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters . | -5 | Recipient has opted out from your list | -6 | Global opt-out. The recipient has asked not to receive any messages from our short code | -7 | Credit limit reached | -8
| Your IP address is not allowed | -9 | There are forbidden words to send out, please review our list of Forbidden Words and Phrases. | -100 | Unknown error |
API Text Message Sending Examples:
$ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&number=12345678910&message=test message"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* XML result of API call*/ ?> Example XML Response : <?xml version="1.0" ?> <response code="1" status="success"> <comment> <![CDATA[ Message Sent ]]></comment> <message_id>12345</message_id> </response>
Message Details Via API |
Message Details can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | message_id | message id which was recieved from Sending SMS Messages with XML Response
Message Details API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | Message Details was received successfully | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Invalid message id
| -100 | Unknown error |
API Receive Text Message Details Examples:
PHP $ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&message_id=12345"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* XML result of API call*/
Example XML Response:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <response code="1" status="success"> <comment> <![CDATA[ Message Details was received successfully ]]> </comment> <message_details> <message_id>12345</message_id> <message_number>12345678910</message_number> <message_content> <![CDATA[ API Test Message ]]> </message_content> <message_date>2010-11-08 09:33:39</message_date> </message_details> <delivery_report> <delivery_status>DELIVERED</delivery_status> </delivery_report> <carrier_report> <carrier_code>TMOBILEUS</carrier_code> <carrier_name> <![CDATA[ T-Mobile USA ]]> </carrier_name> <carrier_deliveryreport_delivered>Yes</carrier_deliveryreport_delivered> <carrier_deliveryreport_rejected>Yes</carrier_deliveryreport_rejected> <carrier_deliveryreport_failed>Yes</carrier_deliveryreport_failed> </carrier_report> </response>
For more information about carriers' codes and delivery reports, click here >> |
New! Check Keyword Availability Via API |
Check Keyword API can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | keyword | check if a keyword is available |
Check Keyword API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | The keyword is available | 0 | The keyword is not available | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Incorrect keyword format: Keyword should contains only letters and digits. Total number of characters must be between 4 and 50
| -8
| Your IP address is not allowed | -100 | Unknown error |
API Check Keyword Availability Examples:
PHP $ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&keyword=mykeyword"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* result of API call*/ ?> |
New! Reserve Keyword Via API |
Reserve Keyword API can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | keyword | keyword to be reserved
| autoreplymessage | (optional) Auto Reply Message | Instructions for the message: - Auto Reply Message must be properly URL encoded (eg the %20 rather than a space).
- Auto Reply Message CAN contain any of the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and special characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters .
- The following characters count as two characters when used in the message: € f [ ] ^ { | } ~ . View detailed list »
Reserve Keyword API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | The keyword is available | 0 | The keyword is not available | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Incorrect keyword format: Keyword should contains only letters and digits. Total number of characters must be between 4 and 50
| -4 | There is no keyword credits | -5 | Invalid Auto Reply Message: message exceeds 135 characters or invalid characters. Please review our list of Allowed Characters | -8
| Your IP address is not allowed | -9 | There are forbidden words included in the message, please review our list of Forbidden Words and Phrases | -100 | Unknown error |
API Reserve Keyword Examples:
PHP $ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&keyword=mykeyword&autoreplymessage=Hello"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* result of API call*/ ?> |
New! Remove Keyword Via API |
Remove Keyword API can be accessed via HTTP thru the following URL: The following text parameters are available: (can be passed via POST or GET) • All parameters are required! user
| your username | password | your password | keyword | keyword to be removed |
Remove Keyword API call return codes: * Negative code represent failure to send message 1 | The keyword is available | -2 | Invalid user or password | -3 | Incorrect keyword format: Keyword should contains only letters and digits. Total number of characters must be between 4 and 50
| -8
| Your IP address is not allowed | -10 | The keyword does not exist | -100 | Unknown error |
Remove Keyword Examples:
PHP $ch=curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,1); curl_setopt$ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"user=username&password=password&keyword=mykeyword"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); $data = curl_exec($ch); echo $data; /* result of API call*/ ?> |